What is war?

When you hear the word 'war', what comes to mind? Perhaps you think of one of the world wars. Or maybe you think of men in camo green suits running around with machine guns. But is that what we should be thinking about? Ephesians 6:12 says, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, … Continue reading What is war?

Living Hallowed on an Unhallowed Eve

Biblical Reasons

To any Christian who is trying to live holy before God in this world, Halloween poses a unique challenge because Halloween celebrates death and darkness, two principles that Christians are called to overcome through Christ.

Recall how many times Israel incurred the wrath of God because she abandoned her holiness and adopted the wicked customs of the world around her, yet many Christians ignore this warning by abandoning their Christ-centered distinctiveness each year to array themselves in costumes of violence, death, sorcery, adultery, and debauchery while enjoying parties that celebrate death and fear rather than the celebration of life and light that Christians are called to.

The clash between Halloween and Christianity is very clear: Halloween is often about darkness, death, sorcery, fear, and idolatry, whereas the gospel is about light, life, the resurrection, love, and worship in the communion of the Spirit.

One of the real and present dangers…

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